Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back at the hotel and doing fine.

We made it back to the hotel about a 1/2 hour ago. Sydney is eating some Cheetos and is watching High School Musical 3. She says she feels "good", and is even singing and wiggling to HSM3 songs. She woke up more quickly in the recovery room than she had in the past. Within 10 minutes of my entry to the recovery room she was eating a popsicle and drinking juice. We were gone from the hospital within an hour. I took a picture to show her the earrings and she said "WHAT? I have them in right now?" It was so cute because she still had a sleepy, "out of it" kind of voice. Her tummy doesn't seem to be bothering her right now at all. Her ears are very swollen and she has some yellow foam sutured to the back of both ears. This is to keep them out while they heal a little bit. She looks awfully cute right now with her little earrings...swollen ears and all. We'll try to post some pictures from the last few days soon. They didn't want to load earlier.


Greg & Lori said...

I am so thankful things went well and I can't wait to see the ear rings...

Uncle Greg and Aunt Lori

Mary said...

We have been thinking of you all day. Madison can't wait to give Syd all these earrings:) Madie bought them for her after her very first surgery!!

Lori Mays said...

I'm so glad surgery went well, can't wait to see the pics. Lori Mays